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Mandie Holgate

Business Coach

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220$ Price/session

14 Publications

164 Helpful


Everything I do is about enabling people to achieve their true potential. From my books including the international Fight the fear to my organisation The Business Womans Network and my coaching and corporate training. I believe you can achieve more. Communication, networking, confidence, resilience, change and leadership management.

Professional background

Coach, Speaker, Trainer, Author and Founder of The Business Womans Network.

How I work

1 of the UK's youngest body shop managers in the car industry, after nearly dying from a mental health illness I trained as a coach. I've been very lucky with trips to Downing Street & House of Lords, TV, internationally recognised for my work with women in business. I work with teams & individuals to help them reach their true potential.



How to help teams, you and teens deal with change

How do you get people to change who really don't want to?

Mandie Holgate  | 11 found this helpful

Which Success Archetype Are You?

Learn which archetype you are and it's impact on your success. And the strategies to empower your archetype

Mandie Holgate  | 13 found this helpful

They Quibble Our Fees!

What you can do to attract the right clients that don't argue over your fees.

Mandie Holgate  | 13 found this helpful

4 signs your marketing is not connecting (and selling for you!)

How to sell more and improve your marketing strategy without spending a sack of cash.

Mandie Holgate  | 14 found this helpful

You want little old me” syndrome?

How to fix imposter syndrome - fast!

Mandie Holgate  | 12 found this helpful

17 Coping Skills That Will Help You Deal During Times of Stress

How to find the true causes of stress and fight them to achieve more, be more resilient & achieve even in times of adversity

Mandie Holgate  | 10 found this helpful

6 Types of Fear of Success and How to Overcome Them

Fear and the strategies to fight it to achieve more in life.

Mandie Holgate  | 13 found this helpful

How to Stop Racing Thoughts When Your Mind Won’t Let Up

How overthinking and racing thoughts can damage your success and how to control your mind to success.

Mandie Holgate  | 11 found this helpful

A little algorithm that could change your life (and your results!)

How to override the guilt and take the action to get what you want personally and professionally

Mandie Holgate  | 12 found this helpful

How to actually have a holiday – guilt free, phone off, not overloaded on your return!

How to go on holiday and turn your phone off and not damage your professional success. Ideas to make the day easier too.

Mandie Holgate  | 13 found this helpful

How to turn conversations into customers

Communication can be incredibly powerful for enabling a contact to turn into a customers here's 8 tips to make that happen.

Mandie Holgate  | 13 found this helpful

4 signs that your confidence levels are impacting on your success

Confidence impacts on every aspect in your life. Notice where and why you dip in confidence and you can fight it.

Mandie Holgate  | 12 found this helpful

Don’t Catch The Shiny Thing Syndrome (The STS)

In business its easy to get distracted and take a new path or opportunity thinking - this is the one!

Mandie Holgate  | 10 found this helpful

How to sell well and increase profit. (You may be surprised by the answers!)

Why you are jumping in the middle of the sales process and missing out on business.

Mandie Holgate  | 7 found this helpful

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