Life Coaching

A little algorithm that could change your life (and your results!)

How to override the guilt and take the action to get what you want personally and professionally

Mandie Holgate | 02 August 2019

How to actually have a holiday – guilt free, phone off, not overloaded on your return!

How to go on holiday and turn your phone off and not damage your professional success. Ideas to make the day easier too.

Mandie Holgate | 22 July 2019
Business Coaching

How to turn conversations into customers

Communication can be incredibly powerful for enabling a contact to turn into a customers here's 8 tips to make that happen.

Mandie Holgate | 22 July 2019
Life Coaching

4 signs that your confidence levels are impacting on your success

Confidence impacts on every aspect in your life. Notice where and why you dip in confidence and you can fight it.

Mandie Holgate | 01 July 2019
Business Coaching

Don’t Catch The Shiny Thing Syndrome (The STS)

In business its easy to get distracted and take a new path or opportunity thinking - this is the one!

Mandie Holgate | 26 June 2019
Business Coaching

How to sell well and increase profit. (You may be surprised by the answers!)

Why you are jumping in the middle of the sales process and missing out on business.

Mandie Holgate | 18 June 2019


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