May 27, 2024 in Coaching

Memorial Day 2024: Remembering Sacrifice and Service

Memorial Day, a time for remembrance and gratitude for brave individuals who lost their lives in service to their country.

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It is Memorial Day in the USA. 

Happy Memorial Day! It is a day for remembrance, a time for the nation to express thanks and reflect on the brave individuals who lost their lives in service to their country, commemorating the ultimate sacrifice they made.

What is Memorial Day? Memorial Day 2024 is an important holiday dedicated to honoring the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. military. It’s a time to pause, reflect, and give thanks.

Maya Angelou once said, “How important it is for us to recognize our heroes and she-roes.”

In light of this sentiment, it’s essential to take some time to express gratitude for all those in the service, both present and past, and remember a hero of one’s own.

One poignant story is that my father-in-law who fought in the Battle of the Bulge. His battalion suffered many losses, leaving him in charge. When a white flag appeared from the Germans, offering to take them as POWs, he agreed—they would all have perished on that hill otherwise. As a POW officer, he was not made to work, but he was not fed either, leading to severe emaciation. Not being a smoker, he traded his cigarette rations for another officer’s chocolate, hoarding it for the day he planned to escape.

The camp was liberated when the Allies crossed into enemy territory. He consumed all his chocolate for the necessary energy boost but became so violently ill that he ended up sleeping in a farmer’s barn and was recaptured. Many of his fellow POWs were bombed on the train by American fighter pilots, not realizing it was filled with POWs. The chocolate ultimately saved his life.

As the war drew to a close, everyone was eventually freed. He made his way to Paris, searching for his brother, who was General Patton’s driver. They had lost contact, and he had no way of finding him. Miraculously, when he went to a restroom, his brother was there. The story felt like a miracle each time it was recounted.


When did Memorial Day become a day of remembrance? This significant transformation occurred after the Civil War, evolving from Decoration Day into the Memorial Day observed today, to honor all American military personnel who have died in all wars.

While servicemen and women are vital to the nation’s safety and security, they are also paramount to their family units. While the nation grieves those who have died in the line of duty, it often overlooks the families they leave behind.

If you are a parent dealing with the loss of a family member, offering support to yourself and your children can be an immense struggle and a heavy burden to bear. There are many valuable resources available to help, such as the blog post “How to Explain Death to a Child.

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