Apr 26, 2019 in Tutoring

Let's get playing the guitar today!

Read on to know the life of a Music Award Winner & Publishing Artist.

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Johan Nilsson has been playing the guitar for over 20 years. He holds a BA in Swedish Folk Music and he is a National Folk Music award winner (2008). Johan also released two albums. His favorite styles of guitar music are pop, rock, jazz, folk, classical, and flamenco. He also conducts Online Guitar lessons for intermediate and advanced players. 

We started with a few questions about Johan's Music career. 

WikiExpert: What inspired you to become a guitar player?

Johan Nilsson: I had a teacher when I was about eight years old who I looked up to and he was playing so he inspired me to pick up the guitar. He played these little funny licks here and there while accompanying our class singing sessions and I also wanted to do that.

WikiExpert: Are there any other instruments that you play, other than the guitar?

Johan Nilsson: I play various kinds of fretted instruments and also a bit of piano.

WikiExpert: I see that you have released a new album, can you tell us a little about it?

Johan Nilsson: One Monday in late November 2018, I thought to myself, "In the end of this week I'll have an album done. It's going to be relaxed music that people can have and listen to in the background when they're working and that doesn't take much focus." So be it. I composed and recorded it during the week and there it was: A Life of Beauty.

WikiExpert: Were there any challenges that you faced as a Guitar Player and a Tutor? If so, how did you overcome it?

Johan Nilsson: I am still teaching and supporting people around the world to thrive and flourish in their strengths, gifts, and talents. For me personally, I take the support of my personal Bright trainer if there are any challenges coming up.

WikiExpert: What sort of advice would you give to beginners who want to play the guitar?

Johan Nilsson: Find a good teacher that can give you customized and tailored education; surround yourself with a supportive community; spend time with good study material; have a daily session with your practice. Keep it simple and execute on these four things daily and you will make good progress. There are key instructions and advice as well to be given for those who want to take on the art.

WikiExpert: What type of guitar would you recommend to beginners who want to play and which type is your favorite?

Johan Nilsson: There are nowadays quite a variety of guitars on the market and depending on if you are looking for playing electrical, acoustic or classical I think it's good to go to a music shop and test what feels good for you. In the beginning, I think it's important that one has an easeful and inspiring introduction so with that said, something that speaks to you is good.

One thing that could be good to know is that in the beginning, before the fingers have gotten used to pick and press, an acoustic guitar can be a bit tougher to play on due to the string tension and string type, so a nylon string might be a bit more friendly but in the end it all depends on what type of sound you prefer.

WikiExpert: Some people feel that music lessons cannot be conducted online? How do you convince them that online music lessons are possible?

Johan Nilsson: I think we're in a transition period where people all over the world discover that we're no longer limited to our physical bodies and having to learn things in a traditional way. Due to the quality and widespread of internet connection nowadays we can speak and play in real time with each other over video conference.

WikiExpert: Can you tell us a little more about your online programs? And guitar lessons? What can learners expect from these?

Johan Nilsson: My area of expertise is helping committed fingerstyle guitarists to break through plateaus and reach a steady level by a seven-week course and ongoing Q&A calls I’m holding.

I typically work with teachers, artists, hobby players, people with high ambitions and I help them to get them into a good habit of practicing, get a clearer and broader picture of what is possible, open the mind for a new way of looking at both themselves as people and guitar players, and for them to achieve and express want they really want.

What I’ve done is that I have boiled down 20 years of experience, research and studying at various schools, colleges, touring, meeting professional guitarists, into some simple and basic principles. A passion of mine always been “How can I teach this to someone else in a simple way and for them to not have to go on detours. I see it as my responsibility to give people an advantage to reach their goal quickly, with the least amount of effort and I have a system to simply follow.

What results can you expect out this course? People who are studying with me say that they get a broader understanding of what is possible, improved technique and skillful means how to develop this, a system of how to practice and handling obstacles coming along your way, understand what master guitarists have in common and how they can use the same skillful means as they do.

That is what I offer.

Now let's get to know Johan a little better. We'd like to know what he likes to do when he's not playing the guitar. 

WikiExpert: Other, then playing the guitar, what else do you like to do? What do you do in your spare time?

Johan Nilsson: I am educating myself to bring benefit to the world for the benefit of all. I also enjoy various kinds of body workout like kettlebell, Indian clubs, body pump, skiing, running, etc. I also like to hang out with our cat, Lillis :)

WikiExpert: In your opinion, what has been your biggest success to date? And what are you most proud of?

Johan Nilsson: I am happy to have a teacher/mentor that I can ask for support and guidance. Living the kind of lifestyle I do with loving, kind and empowered beings around me is something I value a lot. Being open to this is the greatest of gifts.

WikiExpert: What does your daily schedule look like?

Johan Nilsson: I wake up at 5 am doing various kinds of things and at 7 am I have a workout scheduled. At 8 am I start work and I focus on tasks that require more attention, like course developing and teaching, until lunch. After lunch, I continue with various kinds of administration and practice guitar, a bit of emailing and a daily review. I also take care of some maintenance tasks for the properties where I am staying. Evenings are usually more spacious with various online training and courses and enjoy time with friends.

WikiExpert: What are your future plans and long-term goals? Both professionally and personally?

Johan Nilsson: My future plan and goal are to be of benefit to all and let my strengths, gifts, and talents thrive and share it with the world. This is something that excites me a lot and I love being people thrive. Through The Guitar Education, I am happy to serve people with what they need.

WikiExpert: Name three things you cannot live without?

Johan Nilsson: I am simply happy to be and so grateful for what life brings on :)

Learn how to play the guitar today and book a session with Johan Nilsson!

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