Jan 12, 2021 in Life Coaching

7 Ways To Reduce Stress

Stress can affect us in so many ways, psychological, physiological, and emotionally

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In our world today ,  a year into the pandemic. Most people are burnt out and fatigued by this pandemic. Most of us feel beat and defeated emotionally and mentally by this pandemic, and many of us also struggling financially.

Here are some simple ways you can reduce your stress, or cope with it better and maintain a healthier life styles .


  1. Get moving

Moving our bodies in whatever capacity increases our blood flow to our brain. Depends on where you are in the world and how cold it is, you may be able to incorporate this into your daily routine. Like walking to work, or doing quick stretches or walks on your lunch hour. You do not need the gym to get active. There are so many ways we can get active for free. If you have a beach nearby or a lake or a hike. Get outside and breathe that air and get your body moving.  Moving our bodies cause increased blood flow, and release good chemicals in our brains which all in return decrease our stress, and our low moods.  There are so many ways we can get active at home as well. If you want more information connect with me

  1. Do a daily check in

Daily check in with yourself, where are you emotionally today? What is the goal of the day? What are you feeling? Being aware of where our minds take us daily is very helpful. Having a simple small goal helps focus our energies daily. I start the day with a simple goal, and one I can achieve. Because the worst thing you can do is set high goals that you cannot achieve and feel like you have failed, and then it’s a cycle that you are stuck in.  your goal can be something simple:

  • Today I will get to work early
  • Today I will smile at a stranger
  • Today I will drink 3 glasses of water
  • Today I will eat a fruit
  • Today I will do 15 minutes of physical activity

Whatever it is you are choosing, make sure you can achieve.

  1. Spend 5 -10 minutes giving gratitude and counting your blessings

Everything about how we feel and act comes straight from our minds. Happiness is been linked greatly to being grateful and thankful. I do a little cool year idea. I have a gratitude jar with little pieces of papers next to it. Every morning in my rush to work I put one thing I am grateful for. At the end of the year I sit down and read it all. The more we are grateful for the things we have the happier we are. Always remembering a lot of what we have someone else is wishing for. I also get in my car and on my drive to work say out loud what I am grateful for and what my goal is for the day. When we repeat things and out loud they stick with us better.

  1. Sleep

More than we ever know, sleep is huge for our stress and our mental wellbeing. While we sleep our body rejuvenates, and restores. Not just sleeping the hours we require but also having a routine is very important.  Sleeping all different hours and times, does not help your body get into its relaxing routine. Also before bed having a ritual of some sort, reading or meditating or even doing gratitude. Go to bed on a positive note.  Try not to have electronics, or to hot or cold environments and not too much light so you can get a good night rest.

  1. Supports

Find your support system and use them in these times. We are not meant to do life alone, and we have family and friends and partners that we support and they support us. Connect with these individuals when you need them, and bounce ideas with them or just simply spend the evening together. Emotional connection is one of the biggest things that affect our wellbeing and mental health.

  1. Laugh

Find ways to laugh. I usually read a joke in the morning or look at a meme and laugh. Find ways to laugh. Whether it’s reading something funny, or watching something funny. Sometimes I just put the office on in the background in my house just for a quick chuckle. You can use any other comedy shows as well.

  1. Morning routine

In connection to sleep, have a way to start your day that is strong. Have little rituals that signal to your mind this is the start of the day for me and this is when I am getting up and battling life in my finest. I usually make my bed right when I get out of it, and that signals to my brain we are starting my day, so it prepares it for whatever. My other rituals include making a cup of coffee, packing my lunch, writing one thing I am grateful for, and getting into my car. In my car as I mentioned I do another grateful count, and set out a goal in the car and speak to the universe what I want.  I know this is not always going to work every day but even if you aim for few days a week and go from there.

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