Business Coaching

The 2020 guide to intercultural leadership

Global people skills aren't optional any more - 2019 made this message clear. Global business reached managers even if they

Gabor Holch | 11 January 2020
Business Coaching

Foreign business in China in 7 questions

Those who have ever been foreigners in China know how easy it is to trample onto the country’s countless taboos, and how ..

Gabor Holch | 30 September 2019
Business Coaching

Leading millennials: A million-year dilemma returns

Research on millennials makes fascinating reading. Never before have we dedicated so much time and effort to understanding..

Gabor Holch | 29 August 2019
Business Coaching

Demystifying China's leadership culture

By the time Dave took up his post as the Shanghai branch’s General Manager, he had done his homework on Confucian leader...

Gabor Holch | 21 August 2019
Business Coaching

The real DNA of great intercultural teams

“They are quite polite and indirect,” the new project manager describes her local colleagues. “When they communicate...

Gabor Holch | 12 August 2019
Business Coaching

Three expert tips for successful networking in China

The non-extroverted majority of ambitious business leaders consider networking, similarly to public speaking, a dreadful and

Gabor Holch | 10 August 2019
Business Coaching

Expats behind China’s triple great wall

Foreign experts and businesses in China are a discriminated minority and a privileged elite at the same time.

Gabor Holch | 10 July 2019
Business Coaching

Expat managers lost (and found) in cultural mazes

What are culture maps, and how can managers use them to succeed in a new business location?

Gabor Holch | 05 July 2019


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