Jan 18, 2023 in Life Coaching

Creating a Breastfeeding & Pumping Schedule for Stay-at-Home Moms | Stay-at-Home Mom Schedule Guide

Creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule for stay-at-home moms is easier than you think!

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We want to show you the importance of creating a stay-at-home mom schedule and how it can help make your life easier.

Being a stay-at-home mom is hard enough, but when you factor in breastfeeding and pumping, it can become overwhelming. See how you can make it easier and more manageable. 

The Importance of Having a Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule

As a mom of a newborn, one of the most important things you can do is establish a breastfeeding and pumping schedule. Not only will this help you keep on track with feedings, but it will also ensure that your baby is getting the nutrients they need.

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule. First, you'll want to make sure that you're feeding your baby every two to three hours. This may seem like a lot, but keeping up their milk supply is essential. You can also pump after each feeding to build up a stash for later.

Another thing to consider is how often you'll need to pump. If you intend to return to work, you'll need to pump more frequently to maintain your milk supply. You can also pump before bedtime and first thing in the morning to get in some extra pumps.

Finally, be sure to give yourself some flexibility in your schedule. Things will inevitably come up and you may not be able to stick to your plan perfectly. Just do your best and remember that every little bit counts!

The Benefits of Having a Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule


Although many stay-at-home moms can feel that having a breastfeeding and pumping schedule is restrictive, there are actually many benefits to having one. Here are some of the benefits of creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule:

Allows You to Better Manage Your Time:

A breastfeeding and pumping schedule can help you be more productive during the day by setting times for when you will be able to dedicate yourself to other tasks. Knowing when you have time available for other activities can help reduce stress levels, as it gives you a sense of control over your day-to-day life. Self-care is essential for parents. 

Helps Keep Up Your Milk Supply:

When you stick to a regular feeding schedule, can help keep your milk supply up. Breastfeeding and pumping regularly will also ensure that your baby receives enough nutrition while they’re away from you during the day.

Allows for More Bonding Time with Your Baby:

Having a set schedule will allow you to spend quality time with your baby without having to worry about chores or other tasks that need to be completed. This quality time is essential for developing a strong bond between mother and child, so it should not be overlooked.

Makes it Easier to Find Childcare if Needed: 

If you ever need to find childcare for your baby, having an established breastfeeding and pumping routine can make it much easier for someone else to take care of them for short periods of time. This can provide peace of mind if ever the need arises for extra help or just an occasional break from parenting duties. 

Having a breastfeeding and pumping schedule may seem like an unnecessary restriction at first, but as you can see, there are numerous benefits associated with creating one as a stay-at-home mom.

By taking the time to create a plan that works best for both you and your baby, you will soon notice the difference in how organized and relaxed you become throughout the day!

How to Create a Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule that Works for You

Creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule for stay-at-home moms may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! With just a few simple steps, you can create a schedule that works for you and your baby. 

Firstly, you need to determine how often your baby needs to nurse and how often you should. Newborns typically nurse 8–12 times in 24 hours, while older babies may only require 3–4 feedings in the same time frame. Knowing how often your baby needs to eat is essential when creating a schedule. Consult your Pediatrician if you need advice. 

Second, consider how much time you want to devote to nursing or pumping. If you are breastfeeding exclusively, you may want to block out larger chunks of time throughout the day. If you are both breastfeeding and using a breast pump, then it might be easier to break the day up into smaller intervals so that pumping becomes part of your daily routine. 

Third, make sure to factor in any events or commitments that may impact your schedule. For example, if you have a doctor’s appointment or errands to run during the day, adjust your feeding times accordingly. This will help ensure that your baby isn’t going too long without eating, as well as avoid any scheduling conflicts with other activities. 

Finally, don’t forget about yourself! Make sure to include breaks for self-care in between feedings or pumping sessions so that you can relax and recharge. Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your baby! Especially, when you're having sleepless nights. 

Creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule for stay-at-home moms does not have to be difficult! With these tips in mind, you can create a plan that works for both you and your little one.

Tips for Making Your Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule Work

As a stay-at-home mom, you have a lot on your plate. Between taking care of the kids and running the household, it can be tough to find time to pump. But creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule is key to success.

Here are some tips for making your breastfeeding and pumping schedule work:

Wake Up Early to Pump: 

Waking up early to pump may not be ideal, but it will allow you some much-needed alone time to get the job done. If you can, wake up 30 minutes before the rest of the house gets up, so you can have some peace and quiet.

Pump During Naps: 

If your baby takes multiple naps throughout the day, take advantage of that time to pump. You can even pump while the baby is sleeping in their swing or bouncer.

Pump Before Bed: 

Another great time to pump is right before bed. This way, you can get a good night's sleep without having to worry about pumping during the middle of the night.

Why it's Worth it to Stick to Your Breastfeeding and Pumping Schedule

It's obvious that breastfeeding and pumping can be a lot of work. But it's worth it because it's so important for your baby's health and development. Creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule can help you stay organized and make the most of your time.

Here are some tips for creating a successful schedule:

Think about What Your Goals are for Breastfeeding and Pumping:

Are you trying to meet your baby's nutritional needs? Or are you just trying to provide comfort? Whatever your reason, be sure to set realistic expectations for yourself.

Figure Out How Much Time You'll Need to Dedicate to Each Task:

Breastfeeding usually takes about 15–20 minutes per feeding, but this can vary depending on your baby's age and appetite. 

Pumping usually takes about 15–20 minutes per session, but again, this can vary based on how often you want to pump and how much milk you would like to collect.

Map Out Your Schedule in Advance:

 This is so that you can plan around any other responsibilities you have (i.e., household chores, other children, etc.). This will help ensure that you stay on track with your breastfeeding and pumping goals.

Is it Okay to Breastfeed and Not to Pump?

Most nursing moms can answer this question with a resounding “yes”. It is perfectly fine to exclusively breastfeed and not pump! As long as your baby is gaining weight, growing, and meeting their developmental milestones, there is usually no need for pumping. You are the best judge of whether you should pump. 

That being said, many stay-at-home moms choose to pump even if they are exclusively breastfeeding. 

Pumping allows them to save extra milk for when they need to be away from the baby for a few hours, or for when they want an extra break from feeding. If you decide to pump, creating a breastfeeding and pumping schedule can help make it easier for both you and your baby. 

When creating a schedule, consider when your baby typically wakes up, sleeps, and feeds throughout the day. 

To maximize milk production, aim to feed the baby at least 8–12 times over 24 hours. During any time, that baby is napping or sleeping, try to fit in some time for yourself, either by taking a nap or engaging in something relaxing like reading a book or taking a bath. 

Additionally, plan for 15–20 minutes of pumping after each nursing session so that you can build up your supply in the freezer. 

By having an established routine with both breastfeeding and pumping sessions built into it, you will find yourself feeling more relaxed and organized during the day. 

It also helps take some of the guesswork out of your day – you will know exactly when to feed/pump and what activities to plan around those times. Of course, don’t be afraid to adjust the schedule as needed if your little one has different needs than what was planned!

Final Thoughts

Sticking to your breastfeeding and pumping schedule may seem like a daunting task for stay-at-home moms, but it is worth it! With support you can trust and guidance, you can create a schedule that works best for you and your baby. 

If you need help with creating a schedule, reach out to an Online Parent Coach who can provide support tailored to your unique situation. A professional can provide tips and advice to help you navigate the breastfeeding and pumping journey. Investing in yourself is worth it, so don’t be afraid to ask for help!

You can also read parenting articles written by them and ask a question in our "Discuss with Experts" for FREE. 

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