Oct 21, 2020 in Career Coaching

The Divine Design For your Life

What is your grand vision in your life? What do you believe your purpose is? Why are you here?

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Welcome to The Divine Design

I am so excited for you that you are about to dive into the foundational elements of the manifestation process.

When you first discovered The Law of Attraction I bet you thought that it was as simple as “thoughts become things” and then you realize that you’re on a journey – a mission – to explore your connection with your higher self and The Universe in relation to your emotions.

If this sounds new to you, then you will love The Divine Design lesson.

The Divine Design invites you to explore the intention setting process, to gain clarity on what you really want and desire to manifest into your life, as well as remind you that YOU are responsible for your energy and vibration.

Part 1 – The Ultimate 7-Step Intention-Setting Process

The core essence of teaching emotional empowerment is to support you in how to guide your energy and your emotions in a way that ultimately helps you to get what you want.

It can be a wild ride, an ever-changing journey, and one that I am so happy that you are about to embark upon.

My intention is that you use The Divine Design when you are in the season of manifesting that is curious about what can be created with the Law of Attraction and the belief that anything is possible – because it is!


The Divine Design Invocation

As you begin this lesson, let’s start by creating a powerful conversation with The Universe.

First, take a moment to create stillness…

Close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath in, hold it for 10 seconds, and then slowly exhale…

Take as many of these slow breaths as you need to create presence and stillness before you begin.

When you’re ready, repeat this soulful invocation out loud and feel it’s truth resonate through your body:


“Dear Universe, may I now remember my cosmic power to attract abundance in all areas of my life. Guide me now to be open to your beautiful and limitless possibilities. So be it, so it is.”


Part 2 – Set Intentions From Your Heart


Part 3 –Create A Wild And Grand Vision For Your Life

Journal Prompt – Creating Your Grand Vision

Here are some journal prompts for you to explore in your journal.

What is your grand vision in your life?

What do you believe your purpose is?

Why are you here?

What brings you joy and lights up your heart?

Are there any ways you can imagine being of service to others as part of your grand vision?Now, let us begin…

Part 4 – Don't set intentions Coming From Insecurity


Part 5 –You Can’t Manifest For Others


Part 6 – The Universe Always Responds To Your Intentions

Manifest And Embrace Love

Choosing Love Over Fear

Everything is Energy

Love-Based Feeling: Abundant

Love-Based Feeling: Clear

Love-Based Feeling: Joyful

Love-Based Feeling: Infinite

Love-Based Feeling: Inspired


So here are 7 Steps to Setting Powerful Intentions that are really important when on the path to manifesting your desires.


Intention setting is the first step in the manifesting process. It is the kick-starting spark and creative power that pushes our desires to be heard by the Universe so the Law of Attraction can work her magic.


1. Create A Ritual

I’m finding it needs to be done a couple of times per year. I like to make myself a hot cup of tea and perhaps sit outside under the stars with my journal and handwrite my intentions.


Your ritual should be personal and unique to how you love to do things. You could meditate first to get into the optimal soulful state to plan from a clear space. Whatever it is, make sure that your ritual is something that leaves you feeling inspired and uplifted.


2. Be Specific

When you write down your intentions, try and be as specific as possible. The Universe loves and thrives on specific requests. Dive into the details of the things, people, places and experiences you are wanting to manifest.


3. Get Creative

Try and think outside of the square from a place of unlimited abundance. Ask for things that might seem crazy and impossible right now, but would be awesome if they actually happened.


4. Allow Yourself to Dream

Similarly to getting creative with your intentions, you need to allow yourself to dream to a whole new level. What are the things that would radically change your life forever? Could you ask for them and set the intention to make them happen within the next 12 months?


“Remember: You are WORTHY. “


5. Get Into the Feeling Space

The Universe responds to your thoughts in conjunction with your feelings. When you get into the feeling space of what you wish to manifest then you actually begin an extremely powerful and sacred creation process.

You need to try and feel as if you have already manifested your desires.

Feel abundance. Feel loved. Feel creatively inspired.


6. Let It Go

The hardest part of the process is letting go of your intentions and allowing them to incubate in the etheric realm. You need to let go in order to get out of your own way. Distraction is an extremely powerful helper with the intention setting process because it helps to unblock some of the vibrational obstacles you might place in your own way.


7. Reflect With Gratitude

The seventh part of this process is to take time to reflect many months after you’ve written your intentions. What are some of the signs of alignment from the Universe that might indicate that your intentions are in the process of manifesting? This is where it gets super exciting.


Let us set the intention now that everything you have just learned will begin to positively impact all areas of your life.

Whether it happens slowly or quickly, remember that all happens in divine timing.

At times your manifesting lessons will sink in instantly, while other times they will take time.


Say this invocation out loud now:

“Dear Universe, My heart is open to receive guidance, inspiration and wisdom in perfect Divine timing. I trust that deep truth will be embodied in all areas of my life on my manifesting journey. So be it, so it is.”


Remembering and Forgetting

A dear friend and mentor of mine taught me once that, in life, we are on a journey of “remembering and forgetting.” Which is why, over the years, everything I have learned, I have at times forgotten as the person I am changes.

Remember, you are not the same person you were an hour ago and you are not the same person you were years ago…

The same goes for your future self.

Your “future self” who has manifested your goals, dreams, wishes and desires is not the same person you are now…

Hold this truth in your consciousness as you continue moving forward in your life.


The way in which these manifesting principles have resonated may be different in your future. Which is why it is so important to come back to this lesson whenever you need.


The reason my life changes and unfolds so rapidly is because I allow myself to receive these manifesting lessons over and over again…


And so I invite you to do the same.


When you find yourself in a state of “forgetting,” that’s okay! Log back into your Manifesting Academy and allow yourself to receive the lesson you most need again to bring yourself back into a state of “remembering.”


Whether you do this once, twice or a thousand times… what matters the most is your commitment to your life long journey and your soul’s expansion.


There is a quote that I absolutely love and it is by Yogi Bhajan (the yogi and spiritual teacher who introduced Kundalini

That quote is this:

“If you want to learn something, read about it. If you want to understand something, write about it. If you want to master something, teach it!

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